Афродита ...

On the frozen glass I shall draw
I patterns to you about love,
And as a meeting, you I shall kiss,
Where you my happiness - speak ?
Dear, in fact I grieve
Also do not put and not two, whole year,
I fortunately so have met such,
In fact not everyone also will understand you ?
You have come to us from a last century,
In olden time December was,
I have not met still the person,
That beautiful as had a reputation ?
I patterns to you about love,
And as a meeting, you I shall kiss,
Where you my happiness - speak ?
Dear, in fact I grieve
Also do not put and not two, whole year,
I fortunately so have met such,
In fact not everyone also will understand you ?
You have come to us from a last century,
In olden time December was,
I have not met still the person,
That beautiful as had a reputation ?
Владимир Герун
Воркутинский шахтёр - поэт, проработал на шахтах Воркуты более 20 лет под землёй. Владимир Герун Поэт Воркуты , Можги , Дзержинска и ЛЮБВИ ! Автор сборников стихов - "Воркутинская любовь" "Всё , всё о Воркуте" "Моя Можга"