Герун и жена ОЛЬГА

Герун и жена ОЛЬГА
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I look in beautiful eyes…
Vladimir Gerun
Have turned yellow leaves of poplars,
And eyes as coals overdue,
You today to me slightly pour,
From what from a life we tired?
You today to me slightly pour,
From what from a life we tired?
The evening star is shone,
Nightingales do not meet a dawn,
I look in beautiful eyes,
I notice grief and a gray hair ?
I look in beautiful eyes,
I notice grief and a gray hair ?
Vladimir Gerun
Have turned yellow leaves of poplars,
And eyes as coals overdue,
You today to me slightly pour,
From what from a life we tired?
You today to me slightly pour,
From what from a life we tired?
The evening star is shone,
Nightingales do not meet a dawn,
I look in beautiful eyes,
I notice grief and a gray hair ?
I look in beautiful eyes,
I notice grief and a gray hair ?
Владимир Герун
Воркутинский шахтёр - поэт, проработал на шахтах Воркуты более 20 лет под землёй. Владимир Герун Поэт Воркуты , Можги , Дзержинска и ЛЮБВИ ! Автор сборников стихов - "Воркутинская любовь" "Всё , всё о Воркуте" "Моя Можга"